Mago Matt
Un mago da tavolo e borseggiatore professionista a tempo pieno, Matt intratterrà i tuoi ospiti con incredibili giochi di prestigio, li sorprenderà con le sue abilità uniche nel borseggiare (Matt può persino rubare la cravatta di qualcuno e mettersela addosso senza che se ne accorgano!), e - è garantito che farà ridere tutti mentre lo fa. Da una funzione privata intima a un pubblico aziendale di centinaia di persone, puoi essere certo che l'intrattenimento dei tuoi ospiti è in buone mani.
Matt è apparso in TV nel Regno Unito e all'estero, si è esibito per la Famiglia Reale, celebrità, calciatori di primo livello e uomini d'affari di spicco, è stato invitato a eventi a Monte Carlo, Dubai, Qatar, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Berlino, Jersey, Le Touquet ecc., si è esibito a bordo di navi da crociera e presso il famoso Magic Circle, e ha promosso aziende e i loro prodotti in fiere commerciali in tutta Europa e nel Regno Unito. Matt è anche il mago residente del Manchester United dal 2000.
A proposito, Matt ha il raro riconoscimento di essere probabilmente l'unico ad aver mai borseggiato un membro della Famiglia Reale, e per ora è riuscito a cavarsela...
- Typically at company dinners Matt entertains as a close-up and table magician performing during the reception drinks to break the ice and enliven the atmosphere gathering guests in groups to enjoy the entertainment. Once the guests are seated Matt will perform close-up table magic introducing himself to each table in turn bringing laughter and a touch of magic to your event.
- Magician Matt has performed his unique close-up magic at all sorts of events and possibly the most outstanding being for Manchester United’s matchday hospitality: as the resident close-up table magician performing at nearly every home game for 8 years matt has performed at approximately 5000 tables.
- Pickpocket
- Matt’s pickpocketing skills are unique: he has possibly the fastest watch-steal on the planet and can even take someone’s tie off and put it on himself without them knowing. Matt will surprise your guests with his deft pickpocketing techniques and he’s guaranteed to get your guests laughing as he does it. In fact Matt often uses the moment people laugh to remove items from them. He also uses his skills as a close up magician to distract people’s attention from their belongings but can also pickpocket whilst disguised as a security guard as a character as a waiter or even the MC.
- Close-Up & Table Magic
- With Matt’s extensive performing experience he is happy to discuss how his close up magic might best compliment your day. Although very flexible typically Matt will mix in with the guests and entertain them during one or more of the following times: during the photos/reception drinks around the tables for the wedding breakfast and at the evening party.
- Undercover Magic
- Your guests will be surprised by the unusual service that Magician Matt (disguised as a waiter) provides. He subtly introduces a plausible yet eccentric combination of “Fawlty Towers” service and bumbling waitering that is guaranteed to get the guests talking. Matt bemuses guests with his harmless antics and to their amusement introduces his amateur magical skills. These turn out to be peculiarly proficient actually quite magical and get everyone laughing.
- As dinner draws to a close and the coffee is served your guests will be most surprised to see their waiter is actually the after-dinner entertainment and even more so when he starts by returning many of their belongings!
- Wedding Magician
- Pfizer
- Slumberland plc
- And many more...
- Manchester UTD
- British Telecom
- Orange
- Mawdsleys
- Sky 1