Chris Hines MBE

Chris Hines MBE

Chris Hines has three decades of experience leading the charge for environmental issues. A co-founder of Surfers Against Sewage he champions change
An environmental critic of the UK government, he has pioneered 'Waste Neutral' and creating sustainable business practices
The Sustainability Director for The Eden Project, he has offered his expert advice on shows for CNN and the BBC World Service
A passionate host and storyteller, Chris's talks cover leadership, communications, planning and, of course, the environment
Based in London, Chris Hines is available to book worldwide for conferences, environmental-themed events, galas and sustainability events

Chris Hines MBE VIDEOS

Chris Hines MBE PHOTOS

An experienced surfer, a highly respected communicator and a driver of positive change, Chris Hines (MBE) is resolved to find solutions to problems. Formerly Founder of Surfers Against Sewage (SAS), and Sustainability Director at the Eden Project, Chris uses his deep understanding of the balance between the social, environmental and financial aspects of sustainability to lead others to action.

Runner up in the 1999 Green Politics Award. Solution-based, Chris Hines helped deliver £5 billion spent on the UK coastline. Chris has given evidence to Commons and Lords Select Committees, Monopolies and Mergers Commission and the European Parliament and Commission and was called as a special advisor to the Rt. Hon Michael Meacher MP – Minister for the Environment.

Chris Hines’ media credits include everything from Panorama to BBC Newsnight Live, BBC Children’s TV, the BBC World Service and CNN Skewed View. He also co-wrote and co-presented three programmes called ‘What On Earth’ with Melinda Messenger.

An excellent keynote speaker on the environmental issues and waste problems facing our planet, Chris’s engaging campaigning and successful career make him the perfect speaker to educate businesses on the need for CSR and the importance of taking care of our planet. 

" Thank you once again for taking the time out and contributing to making the Project Integra Conference such a success. The feedback from delegates and participants on the day was very positive "

Project Integra Annual Conference - Recycle for Hampshire

" Chris Hines is a born storyteller and his own story is one worth hearing. Entertaining, intriguing, motivating and inspiring. He always leaves behind a room full of energy and excitement. "

Nelisha Wickremasinghe - Senior Programme Director, Common Purpose UK

" Your presentation was brilliant! Your score on the evaluation was "excellent" so thank you so much. Thank you for a very inspiring day which has prepared me to take a deep breath and go back for more! "

NHS - Integrated Service Improvement Programme

" I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the wonderful speech you gave at the WRAP Away Days Conference. I am currently conducting a survey to get feedback from attendees and have just taken a quick peek at the 100 replies that have come in so far. Nearly all of them have rated your presentation as excellent and truly inspirational "

Grace Woolery - WRAP - Government’s Waste Resource Action Programme

  • Environmental Speaker
  • The Environment
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Global Warming
  • Lobbying and Interacting with Government Bodies
  • The Government and The Environment
  • Project Management Skills