Nancy Rademaker

Nancy Rademaker

Nancy Rademaker, is one of few female keynote speakers who specialises in the impact of digitalisation on customer and employee behaviour
With over 20 years of experience in her field, she shares her passion for technological development with audiences worldwide
Nancy is a talented bilingual MC, Keynote Speaker and Conference Moderator who makes complex ideas simple to understand in both English and Dutch
She boasts a wealth of experience in the corporate technology sector, having worked with many well-known IT companies, including Microsoft
Our emcee and keynote speaker is experienced at presenting both live events and virtual conferences and is available for bookings globally

Nancy Rademaker VIDEOS

Nancy Rademaker PHOTOS

A fantastic MC, Conference Moderator and Speaker, Nancy is one of very few female keynote speakers who specialises in the impact of digitalisation on customer and employee behaviour. 

Boasting over 20 years of experience in analysing how technology has previously transformed and continues to have an impact on every aspect of society, Nancy shares her passion with audiences in her brilliantly insightful keynote speeches. Having previously worked with a variety of influential IT companies including Microsoft in both the Netherlands and wider Europe, she is considered to be an expert in her field. Nancy combines her in-depth knowledge and excitement about the technological world with her previous experience in education and her passion for customer-centric strategies, to create adaptable keynotes that have important lessons for many different corporate industries. Having energized a variety of boardroom meetings and round table discussions with audacious presentations on topics such as AI, digital transformation and business model rejuvenation. 

Nancy's inspiring keynotes can be delivered in either English or Dutch and encourage business leaders and employees to be the best version of themselves and adapt to the ever-changing corporate landscape. Using her first-hand experiences she keeps her keynotes relevant, cutting edge and dynamic.

Keynote Speech Topics

The X factor of Customer Centricity

This keynote speech focuses on a recent phenomenon from the past decade that has seen the concept of customer "experience" grow dramatically. In an age where everything is available to everyone virtually 24/7, emotions and experience now take a much more leading role when deciding on products and services. 

This keynote takes audiences on a journey exploring human change, its impact on organisations and how customer experience is key to retaining repeat business. With technology at its core and AI algorithms tracking customer preferences, this is an exciting exploration into the needs of the "New Customer"

The Power of AI

In this keynote, Nancy discusses how big data and new technologies have placed us on the edge of a new Augmented Age that will change both business and also society itself.

With an easy-to-understand overview of what AI is, how it works and simple-to-follow entertaining examples to help the audience digest the concept of algorithms, machine learning, image generation and predictive maintenance, amongst others, this keynote is ideal for any corporate company.

Crucially, in this keynote, Nancy will discuss what Artificial Intelligence can do for your business and how it can be utilised to gain a deeper customer understanding.

Cultural & Leadership in the Beyond

Technology is continuously transforming and evolving the world around us in a way we haven't seen before. Just as it is impacting our personal lives, it is also impacting the business world. Business leaders must continuously react and change to continue thriving in what Nancy terms 'The Beyond'

In this keynote speech, Nancy covers how it is integral to keep evolving and abandon more traditional ways of thinking to maintain employee engagement and attract new talent. With a new culture and the current focus on well-being, business leaders must strive to create organizations that inspire the people working within them.

Healthcare in The Beyond – Patient Centricity is THE Leading Game

With digital, mobile, AI and Small and Big Data rapidly becoming the New Normal, the whole of society is being transformed, including the healthcare sector. 

In this keynote speech, Nancy demonstrates how technological factors have affected human behaviour and how this will ultimately have an impact on healthcare. Driven more by consumers than physicians, healthcare companies need to adopt a more flexibly and fluid strategy if they are to adapt to the new hyperconnected world.

This presentation focuses on the required strategic shifts as well as providing practical things that companies can start doing as soon as tomorrow.

  • Shell
  • BMP Paribas
  • Lenovo
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Oracle
  • McCain
  • Siemens
  • UPS
  • E.On
  • Volkswagen
  • Loreal
  • Deloitte
  • Digitalization 
  • Technology
  • Customer Centricity
  • Customer Service
  • Employee Experience
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Healthcare and Technology
  • Leadership and Technology