Cigar Sommelier
Book our expert cigar sommelier for an exceptional service at your event, offering insightful tips and advice on cigar selections and impressive cigar corners designed to match your event décor and personal style.
Our team of professionals provides a luxurious service incorporating decorative elements to create a welcoming atmosphere at your event or wedding. Our cigar sommelier advises attendees on which cigars best suit their tastes and preferences while also recommending the perfect distillates to pair with them.
At your event or wedding, our cigar sommelier expertly selects and advises on cigars to complement your occasion, offering the following services:
- Cigar Corners with sommelier for weddings and events - customized stand for each occasion.
- Tasting with distillates for groups or companies - Our sommelier will guide and advise on purchasing cigars and will conduct training tastings, allowing guests to experience different colors, flavors, and contrasts of cigars paired with distillates.
- Cigar tastings for groups and companies – Our cigar specialist guides purchases and provides information about different cigars, arranging tastings in a private and relaxed environment.
Top Tip:
Our cigar corners can be set up both indoors and outdoors, tailored specifically to complement your event.
Guaranteed to capture the attention of every guest at your event or wedding, the cigar corner offers a luxurious and unique experience that is both educational and intriguing. Whether you are hosting a corporate event, private function, wedding, brand launch, or exhibition, the cigar corner is an excellent addition.
To book our cigar sommelier or for more information, contact our Entertainment Specialists today.