Comedy Tennis Show
Book this hilarious comedy tennis show for a side-splitting performance of unique and original sporting entertainment. Delight your guests with a madcap tennis act in a totally bonkers street show that’s sure to bring a smile to every face. Our fantastic comedy show delivers a volley of hilarious tennis-related antics, featuring brilliant live commentary, ridiculous tantrums, and plenty of spirited audience interaction.
Our street performers will truly captivate the crowds with their mini tennis court, offering a fast-paced and fun show that serves as perfect family entertainment for events and festivals of all kinds. Book this wacky tennis entertainment for a unique and creative performance that promises a one-of-a-kind experience for audiences.
This fantastic comedy tennis show brings you a thrilling tennis match from the great players of the sport, complete with a snobby umpire, dubious slow-motion replays, and, of course, outrageous wigs. This quirky and fun-filled comedy show will create quite the scene as our pantomime-style players bend the rules, throw tantrums, feign ridiculous injuries, and make heated line calls in a wonderfully silly tennis act that both adults and children will love.
Our street performers encourage plenty of audience participation, and brave spectators will fill the roles of ball boy, physiotherapist, and even royal award presenter in our fabulous tennis entertainment. This tennis act is great for outdoor festivals, street performances, and sporting events of all kinds, consistently drawing enormous crowds.
Major festivals like Jersey Arts Festival and Highland Festival have already showcased this unique spectacle, which is perfect for providing audiences with an interactive show full of fun and laughs.
Scarlett Entertainment brings you a diverse range of street performers across a variety of acts and styles.
To book our Comedy Tennis Show or another fantastic act, please contact our team.