Magician Christoph
Do you want to give your guests an unforgettable experience? A performance that transports them into the enchanting world of magic and leaves them breathless?
Allow yourself to be captivated by Magician Christoph, who will mesmerize you with his spellbinding magic and ensure your event is truly exceptional. Whether it's a gala dinner, champagne reception, wedding, graduation ball, product presentation, birthday, or corporate event, Christoph will gladly help you create the perfect combination to make your event extraordinary.
He will dazzle you and your guests with a fascinating, contemporary, and lively performance, immersing you into the world of magic.
Christoph first encountered a magician in 2007, an inspiring moment that kindled his interest in magic. What began as a hobby soon evolved into a passion, prompting him to attend magic conventions and join the Magic Circle of Graz.
For Christoph, being a magician is more than just a profession – it is his true calling.
- Agrarunion Südost
- Alpine Bau
- Autohaus Gleisdorf
- BKS Bank
- Brainpool TV GmbH
- Brombauer & Partner
- Casino Graz
- Christof Holding AG
- congress|graz
- Dachbodentheater Bruck/Mur
- Domweber Baugesellschaft GmbH
- Edelbrände Schloffer
- Eventhotel Pyramide
- Forum Kloster Gleisdorf
- Garten-Hotel Ochensberger
- Gasthof Malerwinkl
- Genussball Graz
- ACP Business Solutions
- Alois Dallmayr
- Alumni UNI graz
- Austria Trend Hotels
- Bollwerk Gruppe
- Brau Union Österreich
- Capitalbank
- Catherine Nail Collection
- Congress Leoben
- Croma-Pharma
- Der Ringsmuth
- e-Lugitsch
- Energie Steiermark
- Flüchtlingsquartier Gratkorn
- FürstenBräu Gastronomie
- Gasthaus Fink-Haberl
- GENUSS.frauen.FEST
- Any Many More
- Agrarverlag Österreich