Parkour and Free Runner Beijing
Parkour and Free Running are two related but distinct forms of urban athletics. In both, practitioners run, climb, and jump to navigate through areas often filled with obstacles. These activities share many techniques but have different goals and philosophies.
Parkour, in brief, is a system of movement that follows the most direct route between two points, developed in urban environments. It can involve leaping over obstacles, climbing walls, or traveling along rooftops.
Free Running combines the techniques of parkour with acrobatics and gymnastics; it also values creativity, self-expression, and the ability to improvise.
This Parkour and Free Running team is the top extreme sport performance group in Asia, boasting over 10 years of experience and having performed on CCTV more than 50 times. They are the only extreme sport team to have performed at the “Bird Nest” stadium in Beijing.
Costumes and shows can be tailored around the venue and the client’s needs, with their professional team capable of designing stage settings suitable for both indoor and outdoor events.