Fusion of Visuals Video Mapping
A fusion of visuals video mapping performance that incorporates the very best of entertainment, from dance with technology to customisable video mapping there are no limits to what can be created when you book this cutting edge technology performance.
Having worked for some of the biggest brands our fusion of visuals video mapping service is the ultimate choice when selecting entertainment for your next event, whether it be a corporate event, brand launch, product reveal, commercial, private party or any occasion that desires customisable video mapping that is unique, bold and stunning to witness.
An immersive experience that will leave your guests astonished is the perfect choice for any occasion that wants to set the bar higher than the rest. An art collective that fuses imagination with cutting edge technology, dance, cirque, projection mapping, live music, building mapping and more creates a fully immersive experience that will delight all audiences and guests.
A performance that stimulates all senses this mesmerising showcase of talent, technology and visuals is perfect for any event that wants a high end act to make their event one to remember.
With no limit to what can be created our video mapping act can incorporate your chosen visuals and performers to convey your specific message that is breath taking to witness and guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on all of your guests.
To book our versatile fusion of visuals video mapping performance contact our Entertainment Specialists, or to view more from our creative team – visit our Aerial Video Mapping and Cirque page.