Cigar Specialist
Our exceptional cigar specialist service promises to elevate your event, giving it a refined and sophisticated ambiance.
Offering a remarkable array of cigar catering services, which include demonstrations, tastings, cigar preparation, and even a cigar show, this entertainment choice is certain to create unforgettable memories and impress your guests. This cigar tasting service will introduce you to various types of tobacco and educate you on the art of cigar smoking. Non-smokers can also enjoy learning about the rich history of cigars and tobacco.
Our Cigar Specialist can provide Dominican, Nicaraguan, Colombian, and Indonesian tobacco. Guests at your event can consult him for recommendations on the perfect cigar for the occasion. They can discover the subtle differences between various cigars through taste and learn the proper way to hold a cigarette and select the right drink pairing for their smoking experience.
This remarkable Cigar Expert has captivated cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Prestigious brands like Lexus and Maserati have entrusted him to deliver entertainment at their events. He has also impressed cigar aficionados in countries such as Russia, China, and Greece, and he is eager to share the culture of cigars globally, regardless of the occasion.
Our bespoke service allows us to offer you personalized cigars featuring branding or an image of your choice on the cigar band, ensuring your special occasion stands out. Perfect for parties, corporate functions, gala dinners, themed events, award ceremonies, product launches, and more. Inquire today about bringing our cigar specialists to your event.
If you're interested in booking this outstanding Cigar Specialist, contact our dedicated team of experts today. They will be delighted to assist you and guide you through the booking process.
- Hang Seng Bank anniversary Honk Kong
- Maserati - Russia Moscow
- Changhe - China Shanghai
- Lexus - France Paris
- Yacht Regat - Milos Greece
- Golf Tournament - Edinburgh Scotland