Cigar Specialist
Our incredible cigar specialist service is certain to take your event to the next level, heightening the status of the occasion and giving it a refined and sophisticated feel.
Providing a spectacular range of cigar catering services, including demonstrations, tastings, cigar preparation, and even a cigar show, this fantastic entertainment option is guaranteed to create lasting memories and impress your guests. This cigar tasting service will allow people to know the different type of tobacco available and teach them the rules of cigar smoking. Non smokers can also participate by listening and learning the history of cigars and tobbaco.
Our Cigar Specialist can offer Dominican, Nicaraguan, Colombian and Indonesian tobbaco. Guests at your event can consult him and ask him for advice on what the best cigar for the occasion is. They can learn what the differences among different cigars are by their taste and learn how to properly hold a cigarette and pick the right drink when combining it with smoking.
This fantastic Cigar expert has amazed cigar lovers all around the world in the past. Renowned brands such as Lexus or Maserati have trusted him to provide the entertainment at some of their events. He has also impressed cigar lovers in countries like Russia, China and Greece, and he's more that happy to spread the cigar culture anywhere in the world, whatever the occasion.
A bespoke service, we can offer you personalised cigars featuring branding or an image of your choice on the cigar band, ensuring that your special occasion stands out. Ideal for parties, corporate functions, gala dinners, themed events, award ceremonies, product launches and more, enquire today about bringing our cigar specialists to your event.
If you're interesting in booking this amazing Cigar Specialist, contact our wonderful team of experts today. They will be more than happy to assist you and guide you through the booking process.
- Hang Seng Bank anniversary Honk Kong
- Maserati - Russia Moscow
- Changhe - China Shanghai
- Lexus - France Paris
- Yacht Regat - Milos Greece
- Golf Tournament - Edinburgh Scotland