Jungle Jim Family Show
This thrilling jungle-themed show follows the adventures of Jungle Joe and his friend Jane. After living peacefully in the jungle for several years, they discover that danger looms nearby! With hunters rumored to be in the vicinity and some of their animal friends missing, they embark on a quest to find a medicine man who can help them defeat the evil hunter. Will they be able to save their friends in time?
Engaging dance routines, remarkable costumes, elaborate staging, and captivating renditions of catchy songs such as ‘Circle of Life’, ‘Pick A Pocket’, ‘Talk To The Animals’, ‘Witch Doctor’ and ‘All In This Together’ will envelop audiences in an immersive experience! Performed by four professional singers and six professional dancers, all with extensive experience performing on stage for audiences both large and small, this exciting production is perfect for family events, after-dinner shows, and shopping malls!
Having already wowed international crowds at the Bahrain Formula 1, you can be confident that this all-singing, all-dancing show will be a hit at your next family-friendly event!