Victorian Christmas Magic Show
Enchant audiences of all ages with a Children’s magic show based on the beloved Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’, a compelling tale of love and generosity. Performed by our sensational Victorian Magic Duo, this show seamlessly blends storytelling, magic, and comedy to capture children’s attention!
This performance intertwines elements that young audiences adore, making it the ideal entertainment choice for all ages. Our Victorian stage magicians and entertainers revisit the story of Ebenezer Scrooge in a unique and creative manner, portraying the miserly old man and the ghosts that visit him on Christmas Eve.
Totally captivating, this show ensures engagement and conveys the essence of the original novel. Our Christmas magic duo uses their charisma and playful humor to win over the audience and leave them laughing heartily.
A delightful magic show for the entire family, our Victorian stage magicians enchant both youngsters and adults with their mix of amazing magic and humor. Perfect for festivals, family events, children’s parties, theaters, shopping malls, and more, this spectacle can be adapted to various performance spaces.
Top Tip:
Our Victorian stage magicians also present an exclusive show for kids. Explore their Victorian Magic Act to learn more about this special option.
Scarlett Entertainment offers a variety of Christmas and children’s magic shows for events and occasions across the UK and worldwide.
To book this Victorian Christmas Magic Show, contact us today and make an enquiry. Our dedicated team of Entertainment Specialists will gladly provide further details about this Victorian magic duo and their Children’s magic show, and assist you with the booking process.