VR Painter Dubai
Introduce your guests to a truly extraordinary and captivating form of art crafted by this VR painter and her digital brush.
Our artist delivers live VR painting sessions that can last up to 2 hours, along with impressive speed painting performances that create stunning 3D artwork in just 10 minutes.
Our VR entertainment option is guaranteed to generate online buzz and will be available as 3D files for you to seamlessly integrate into your metaverse.
Her VR art pieces are fully customizable and can depict anything, making them ideal for product launches, trade shows, store openings, private parties, and more.
Our artist has collaborated with prestigious companies such as Coca Cola, SpaceX, and BMW, and is available to perform at private, corporate, and promotional events globally.
- Airbus
- Coca Cola
- Continentals
- Enedis
- Musée Toulouse-Lautrec
- Société Générale
- SpaceX
- Volkswagen