Comedy Acrobat Show

Comedy Acrobat Show

Comedy acrobat duo will have audience crying with laughter
Hilarious show combines acrobatics, juggling and side-splitting wit!
Golden costumes & beautiful background music create a regal ambiance
Perfect for corporate events, after dinner shows & more
Based in Hamburg, Germany & available for events worldwide

Comedy Acrobat Show VIDEOS

Comedy Acrobat Show PHOTOS

This hilarious comedy acrobat duo, in the form of golden muscle men, will WOW audiences with their daring displays of strength, balance and aesthetic perfection! Their exhilarating shows combine acrobatics, juggling and side-splitting wit, and will have even the most serious of audiences crying with laughter. Fantastic golden costumes and beautiful background music create a majestic atmosphere that will certainly impress.

This comedy duo offers the perfect eye-catching entertainment, and will make your event one to remember for all the right reasons.