Online Fashion-Themed Drawing
Our exquisite Haute couture themed performance duo has collaborated with a professional artist to offer an extraordinary life drawing experience.
They frequently host immersive high-fashion and performative cabaret-themed life drawing classes and art events in London.
Will provide a variety of customized options and methods, including drawing techniques and expressive mark-making, as well as charcoal and oil painting
All levels of artists are welcome to join, whether you're a complete beginner or seeking assistance with a personal project, the choice is entirely yours.
Available through your preferred social media platform, FaceTime, Messenger, or Skype for your convenience.
Unleash your creative spirit with our exceptional live model drawing course, guided by a professional artist and featuring up to two models.
Our themes include 60s and 70s Funk inspired by designer Franz Maggs; British fashion by designer Joey Bevan; Alice in Wonderland; Fashion Contortion, and Halloween.