Online Fashion-Themed Drawing
Our amazing Haute couture-themed performance duo has partnered with a professional artist for an incredible life drawing experience.
They typically host high fashion and performative cabaret-themed life drawing classes and immersive art events in London.
Will provide a variety of custom options and techniques including drawing methods and expressive mark-making, as well as charcoal and oil painting
All artists are welcome to join in, whether you're a complete beginner or need assistance with a personal project. The choice is entirely yours.
Available on any social media platform you prefer — FaceTime, Messenger, or Skype, or any other platform that suits your needs.
Unleash your inner artist with this amazing live model drawing class led by a professional artist and featuring up to two models.
Themes include 60s and 70s Funk inspired by the designs of Franz Maggs; British fashion by designer Joey Bevan; Alice in Wonderland; Fashion Contortion, Halloween.