1940's Vintage Girl Act

1940's Vintage Girl Act

All-singing, all-dancing trio complete with a vintage style
Bring perfect harmonies and toe-tapping rhythms to every show.
Guaranteed to make your audience smile
Perfect for any event or occasion
Located in London and available for worldwide performances

1940's Vintage Girl Act VIDEOS

1940's Vintage Girl Act PHOTOS

Stunning and glamorous, these delightful ladies are guaranteed to be a hit at your event with their red lips, vintage couture, and beautiful melodies. Blending a love for the stage with a passion for the tunes of yesteryear, Scarlett Entertainment’s 1940’s Vintage Girl Act will captivate guests and take them on a trip back in time with their unique performance.

Sharp choreography pairs with the girls’ charmingly playful take on classic tunes, drawing inspiration from Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, and Fred Astaire for their vintage act. Sure to impress audiences of all ages, add some cute, sassy, and sexy flair to your event with our 1940’s Vintage Girl Act.

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