Aerial Hoop Performer

Aerial Hoop Performer

Talented aerial hoop artist will captivate you with her stunning acrobatic performances.
Aerial act provides custom aerial performances with routines specifically designed for your event
Aerialists are perfect for parties, gala dinners, ceremonies, corporate events, and more.
Past clients include Chevrolet, Bosch, Siemens, Skoda, Unilever, and Allianz.
Based in Frankfurt and available for events worldwide

Aerial Hoop Performer VIDEOS

Aerial Hoop Performer PHOTOS

Our amazing aerialist will leave guests with unforgettable memories of your event as she delivers a beautiful acrobatic show, showcasing her incredible creativity and skill with the aerial hoop through her stunning performance.

Graceful and unique, our aerial hoop artist is both a professional dancer and acrobat, and will captivate guests with her spectacular routines filled with exceptional choreography, elegant movements, and thrilling drops. Performing high above their heads to a soundtrack of emotive music, our aerial acrobat will mesmerize audiences as she delivers sensational event entertainment, all while highlighting her strength, flexibility, and natural talent in an inspiring and enchanting aerial display.

Aerialists are perfect for private parties, weddings, and cabarets. Aerial hoop shows are also an exciting corporate entertainment option for awards ceremonies, gala dinners, product launches, and more.

Top Tip:
Our aerial performer can create custom aerial act routines tailored specifically for your event. Contact our entertainment specialists today to learn more.