Domino Toppling Show

Domino Toppling Show

Held the Guinness World Record for Domino Toppling 5 times
Appeared on The Tonight Show, David Letterman, and Ellen DeGeneres
Shot commercials for Kellogg’s, Domino’s Pizza, IBM...
Ideal for corporate events, shopping centers, universities, commercials
Based in Philadelphia, USA & available to perform at events globally

Domino Toppling Show VIDEOS

Domino Toppling Show PHOTOS

Robert has been featured in the Guinness Book of World Records (he originated the category of Domino Toppling and has held the World Record five times) with intricate domino setups that include special effects like “The Tarzan Swing,” “Bahama Tom Inverted Cascade Slide for Life,” and “Six Days Till Sunday.”

He is the trailblazer of the worldwide domino toppling phenomenon, which has taken over the USA, Europe, and Japan. He made his debut on The Tonight Show twice, where Johnny Carson described his work as “an art form in motion.” Robert has also performed on the Late Show with David Letterman, Ellen Degeneres, and Mister Rogers, among others.

Live domino toppling shows add excitement to any event! Robert comes equipped with dominoes and special effects to entertain all ages. Robert has created numerous domino displays to raise money for charities and for publicity events at shopping malls, corporate meetings, colleges, and high schools.

He has filmed commercials for Kellogg’s, General Electric, Domino’s Pizza, and IBM, among others. His dominoes have been featured in the movies The Toy and Almost Summer. Throughout his career, he has set up and toppled well over 1,000,000 dominoes.