Japanese Fusion Fire Duo
The electrifying Japanese Fusion Fire Duo is a collaboration of two dynamic and highly experienced entertainers: a skilled multi-hoop performer from Finland and a fire samurai master from Japan. The Fusion Fire Duo has crafted a mesmerizing fire show that heavily incorporates Japanese traditions, featuring superb costumes and energetic spectacles guaranteed to wow your guests.
Our Japanese Fire Performer and the Female Fire Performer deliver high-end fire shows designed to be a standout feature at any event or occasion. The fire duo will customize their performance to meet client requirements and tailor their act accordingly. They offer a selection of high-quality, visually captivating traditional Oriental costumes that make this fusion fire show truly enchanting.
The fusion fire show includes a variety of exciting fire props such as poi, swords, fans, and staffs, along with unique items custom-made by the Japanese Fire Performer. Their standout fire show is perfect for everything from high-end corporate functions to small, intimate private events.
The Japanese Fusion Fire Duo has performed together and individually for years at various events, from circuses to amusement parks to high-end corporate events, weddings, and festivals. Their fantastic performances have been wowing audiences in Asia, Australia, and Europe.
Top Tip:
The Japanese Fusion Fire Duo are available to book separately and offer a range of fantastic and exciting acts.
Get in touch with our team of Entertainment Coordinators if you would like to book this fusion fire show for your event.