Japanese Fusion Fire Duo
The scintillating Japanese Fusion Fire Duo show is a coming together of two dynamic and highly experienced entertainers; a skilled multi-hoop performer from Finland and a fire samurai master from Japan. The Fusion Fire Duo duo have created a captivating fire show that plays heavily on Japanese traditions with a range of superb costumes and energetic spectacles guaranteed to wow your guests.
Our Japanese Fire Performer and the Female Fire Performer create high-end fire shows designed to be a very special feature at any event or occasion. The fire duo will customise their performance to client requirements and tailor their act accordingly. They have a choice of several high-quality and visually captivating, traditional Oriental costumes that make this fusion fire show utterly enchanting.
The fusion fire show features a range of exciting fire props such as poi, swords, fans, staffs as well as unique items custom made by the Japanese Fire Performer. Their stand-out fire show is suited to everything from high-end corporate functions to small intimate private events.
The Japanese Fusion Fire Duo has together, and individually, been performing for years at various events from circuses to amusement parks to high-end corporate events, weddings and festivals. Their fantastic performances have been wowing audiences in Asia, Australia and Europe.
Top Tip:
The Japanese Fusion Fire Duo are available to book separately and they have a range of fantastic and exciting.
Get in touch with our team of Entertainment Co-ordinators if you would lie to book this fusion fire show for your event.