Tech & Innovation Speaker

Tech & Innovation Speaker

A highly intelligent, multi-talented grand illusionist and innovative speaker
Expert in innovation, technology, future trends, science, and entertainment
Over 12 years of experience delivering captivating and engaging speeches
Ideal for tech events & conferences, TV, keynote speeches & more
Based in Los Angeles & available for events globally

Tech & Innovation Speaker VIDEOS

Tech & Innovation Speaker PHOTOS

Not only a World Champion of Magic and highly respected in the magic community, this individual is also a renowned technology and innovation speaker with over 12 years of experience.

With an education that spans chemistry, applied physics, psychology, mathematics, and economics, and practical experience using theories from each of these fields to create amazing illusions, he's well-equipped to discuss these topics in depth and on an intellectual level.

Passionate about discovering what's truly possible, he has conducted research in applied science, including teleportation via quantum tunnelling, adaptive camouflage, and levitation with superconductors and quantum locking.

He can tailor his speeches to include specific topics, learning objectives, and anecdotes to meet your unique needs.

His enthusiasm for science, innovation, and technology makes him an engaging and captivating speaker, and his real-life experience adds a relatable depth to his presentations. Inspiring to listen to and watch, this speaker is perfect for technology events and exhibitions, futurist conferences, TV shows, and keynote addresses.

Expert Topics:

Thought Leadership
Entertainment & Science