Teddy and Otto
World-class roaming entertainment
Most likely the friendliest, funniest, and furriest characters you'll ever meet
Packed with ancient magic, props & relics from the greatest fairy tales
Past clients include BBC, Coca-Cola, BP, and 10 Downing Street.
Based in the UK & available to perform at events globally
The friendliest, funniest, and furriest characters you're likely to encounter have arrived. Meet Otto the Otter and Teddy the Fox as they navigate a wooden cart through the crowd. Packed with ancient magic, props, and relics from the best fairytales ever told, Otto and Teddy invite everyone to test their knowledge in a fairytale fantasy quiz!
Suggested Themes
Fairy Tale, Wildlife, Animals, Wind in the Willows, Storybook, or Children's Literary Events.
- BP
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Royal Opera House
- Glastonbury
- Greenbelt
- P2BK 2013 (Kuwait)
- City of Wings 2013 (Belgium)
- The Royal Family
- Coca Cola
- Westfield
- London Olympics 2012
- Fitch Ratings Ltd
- Festivalito 2011 (Spain)
- Cornbury
- Sumarecon Mall (Indonesia)
- Centre Parks
- Nimans
- No 10 Downing Street