The Duet
"The Duet," led by Alberto Bellavia (piano) and Roberto Rebufello (sax), with Simone Monnanni on bass and Lorenzo Arese on drums, will take the audience on a journey from experimental and contemporary jazz to classic jazz and bossa nova.
The performance can feature a collection of original compositions by Bellavia and Rebufello, as well as a set of jazz classics, including “Summertime” by Gershwin, "Scrapple from the Apple" by Charlie Parker, and "Caravan" by Duke Ellington.
The quartet is well known in Italy for their interpretative flair and has performed in prominent European venues, such as Kaisersaal Hall in the Klavier Gallery and Bosendorfer Hall at the Mozart House in Vienna.
The Duet is available as:
DUO (Piano and Sax)
QUARTET (Piano - Sax - Double bass - Drums)
Repertoire: Traditional Jazz, Bossa nova, Contemporary Jazz...