Virtual Casino Games
This virtual casino features a specialized studio space. They recommend bringing in an AV company for top-notch filming and possibly relocating within the same building. Tables are recorded using various Logitech Webcams, including StreamCam, C922's, C920's, and C930's. Webcam quality is optimized for Zoom. Our artist has experience working with a nearby AV company but is also open to collaborating with any production company. They use two cameras on virtual blackjack, virtual three-card poker, and Craps tables: an overhead table view and a dealer cam. For roulette, three cameras are used: an overhead table view, dealer cam, and a camera for the roulette wheel.
Events typically last up to two hours but can be extended if needed. A croupier hosts the game at each virtual casino table, allowing 10 guests or screens to participate per table. Each player starts with a set amount of chips, usually 1,000. The croupier asks the players what they want to bet and places the bets from their player stacks at the table. The casino has custom-made cloths for their blackjack and three-card poker tables, all numbered from one to ten so guests can easily see their playing position. Player name tags can also be added to their playing positions. In roulette, players receive individual colored chips, and name tags can be added to these as well. Players compete for the allotted time, and top winners can be identified from each game or an overall casino winner can be determined.
Currently, the casino has been exclusively using Zoom but is open to other platforms upon request. A technician is available to assist with any issues, and the number of technicians may increase depending on the number of virtual casino tables in use. The casino is happy to arrange a meeting session to showcase their casino games from the studio location.
The artist recommends a minimum of five guests, and their virtual studio can accommodate up to 60 guests playing simultaneously. Guests only need a suitable connection to log into the platform, whether it’s Zoom or another platform, using a tablet, computer, or phone.