Female Cigar Roller
Our Female Cigar Roller and team of cigar specialists boast an exquisite addition to every event as they roll cigars in front of your guests, sharing their knowledge and educating attendees on everything there is to know about cigars.
Our professional live cigar rollers have been rolling cigars for over 15 years and learned the tricks of the trade from a Cuban cigar roller master in the art of cigar rolling.
Guaranteed to attract a huge crowd at your event our Female Cigar Roller brings class, sophistication and glamour to every occasion and will leave every guest feeling like a top class cigar specialist after speaking with her.
Catering to any event you may have and our cigar specialist offers a very unique service that demonstrates the cigar rolling process and educates your guests in the process.
With female and male cigar rollers upon request watch as your cigar stand is transformed into the talking point of your event as guests enjoy some of the finest cigars and that they have watched been created right in front of them.
A cigar stand that is perfect for corporate events, private functions, gala dinners, cocktail hours and weddings, our Female Cigar Roller is a guaranteed hit at every event and can even customise her look to complement your occasion whether you are hosting a themed soiree or would like her to complement your colour scheme.
Boasting live event cigar rollers that are of the highest calibre our Female Cigar Roller and her team of expert cigar rollers will leave a lasting impression on your guests as well as adding an interactive element to every occasion.
To book our Female Cigar Roller or for more information about booking a cigar specialist at your event, contact our helpful team of Entertainment Specialists today.