Aerial Silk Dancers India

Aerial Silk Dancers India

Aerial Silk Dancers India opened for Lady Ga Ga, at F-1 launch, New Delhi
Can perform aerial silks, acro-yoga and rope yoga
One or more artists perform acrobatics while hanging from a silken fabric
Worked with top fashion designers inc TarunTahiliani, Malini Ramani
Based in Delhi, India & available to perform at events worldwide

Aerial Silk Dancers India VIDEOS

Aerial Silk Dancers India PHOTOS

Aerial Silks is a performance art where one or more artists perform acrobatics while hanging from a silken fabric. The artists climb the suspended fabric without the use of safety lines, and rely only on their training and skill to ensure safety. They use the fabric to wrap, suspend, fall, swing, and spiral their bodies into and out of various positions.

Aerial Silk Dancers India is compiled of a group of professional dancers who have trained in Mayurbanj Chhau, Kathak, Kalaripayattu, contemporary, acrobats and yoga. They gracefully intertwine training in Indian classical dance with the freedom of expression and fluidity of other styles. Aerial Silk Dancers India has performed all over the world in places like United States, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Nepal, Italy and all throughout India. They have worked with top fashion designers such as TarunTahiliani, Suneet Varma Gaurav Gupta and Malini Ramani.