Cigar Rollers Spain

Cigar Rollers Spain

Treat your guests to an authentic cigar rolling experience and bring an extra touch of luxury to your event with artisanal cigars
Featuring an expertly handcrafted tobacco blend, our Spanish Cigar Rollers create incredibly high-quality products
You can add your event’s or company’s logo to the band of each cigar for a fully customised experience
Our artists have worked with high-end clients such as Mont Blanc, Mercedes Benz or Aston Martin
Based in Spain, our wonderful cigar rollers are available for weddings, corporate celebrations and private parties, across the globe

Cigar Rollers Spain VIDEOS

Cigar Rollers Spain PHOTOS

Book our cigar rollers from Murcia, Spain to offer an engaging and personalised event experience to your guests. Having spent years perfecting their craft they will be sure to impress guests with their expertise on cigars and on Spanish culture for an authentic event. 

Universally known as a symbol of celebration, success and good times, this is the ideal experience to share with colleagues, friends and family. With our professional cigar rollers, your event guests can enjoy a handcrafted tobacco blend that is smooth and easy to smoke. For a truly personal experience and to make your event especially memorable, why not customise each cigar with a logo or slogan that promotes your event?

Our authentic cigar rollers are based in Spain and can be booked for events across Europe and the rest of the world. 

  • Mont Blanc
  • Mercedes Benz
  • Aston Martin
  • Muji
  • General Electrics
  • El corte Ingles