Duo Hoop Aerialists Las Vegas

Duo Hoop Aerialists Las Vegas

Daring duo demonstrate the ultimate trust exercise as they perform acrobatic moves in mind air
Duo Hoop Aerialists counterbalance one another whilst performing their duo acrobatic act using only one hoop
Stunning aerial dancers showcase beautiful movements coupled with huge amounts of interdependence and choreographic skill
Perfect for corporate events, private parties and any occasion that wants to WOW their audience
Based in Las Vegas and available for worldwide bookings

Duo Hoop Aerialists Las Vegas VIDEOS

Duo Hoop Aerialists Las Vegas PHOTOS

Scarlett Entertainment’s phenomenal duo acrobatic act will astound audiences with their daring choreography and dreamy aerial dance routines. Our Duo Hoop Aerialists are the ultimate aerial dancers and gymnasts as our female acrobats demonstrate their strength, agility and grace whilst being hoisted up in mid air with only one another and their one hoop to rely on for support. 

Our extremely talented gymnasts perform their duo acrobatic act whilst their hoop is rotating in mid air resulting in an act that evolving around the aerial dancers having full trust in one another and depending on each other for counter balance and security. 

The contact work within the choreography is so stunningly put together as two aerial dancers become one through intricate aerial dance moves and daring acrobatic skill. This is a fascinating act that audiences find exciting, intriguing and has a dream like quality as their movements are so fluid as they cascade in and out of the hoop transferring the balance in between one another. 

These aerial dancers are a force to be rekoned with as they demonstrate sheer power, accuracy and strength during the entire performance, providing a circus like quality that it throughly entertaining to watch. Our female acrobats showcase their ability to perform synchronised aerial dance routines as well as shifting the power and balance from one gymnast to another as they perform breath taking acrobatics on their aerial hoop. 

Perfect for corporate entertainment, private parties, after dinner experiences and any event that requires an act that will deliver both a elegant and daring performance.

To book our Duo Hoop Aerialists contact our Entertainment Specialists, or to see more acts from our talented acrobat visit her Aerial Silk, Duo Rope and Aerial Pole pages.