Fashion Illustrator Orlando

Fashion Illustrator Orlando

Our artist is a passionate fashion illustrator who has spent many years perfecting her artistic style, to bring her fun and quick sketches to events
Her primary materials are marker, acrylic, watercolour and digital, but she also often works with pencil, gouache, coloured pencil and inks
She has previously worked nationally and internationally with bloggers, designers and online retailers, as well as being a top choice for events
From store openings and brand promotions to weddings and conferences, she brings a unique touch to events and provides a fun giveaway for attendees
Based in Orlando, our fashion illustrator is available to turn your guests into fashion models at events across Florida

  • Jimmy Choo
  • Ferragamo
  • Dior
  • Gucci
  • Nordstrom
  • Bloomingdale's
  • MLM
  • Graff
  • The Four Seasons
  • The Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Hugo Boss
  • L'Oreal

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