Swedish Juggling Show

Swedish Juggling Show

A show performed by two of the most professional jugglers in Scandinavia
Solo & duo acts demonstrating impressive circus skills from the start
Performances include contact juggling, object juggling & comedy
Together they have the perfect balance of banter & physical, visual skills
Based in Gothenburg, Sweden & available to perform at events worldwide

Swedish Juggling Show VIDEOS

Swedish Juggling Show PHOTOS

As some of the most professional jugglers in Scandinavia, our exceptional Swedish jugglers can perform with up to an incredible seven balls on stage.

Performing as solo and duo acts the jugglers perform impressive circus skills from the start. The juggling show has a good balance of banter and performance of physical skills including object balancing, seven ball juggling and Big Pink Balls juggling. This is a comedy tongue in cheek show demonstrating spectacular juggling skills from two strapping males and their pink balls.

Also talented contact jugglers, these circus performers really can provide it all. Their balance of banter and physical, visual skills is making every performance entertaining for all ages.