Acclaimed Belgian Caricaturist

Acclaimed Belgian Caricaturist

Eminently established, our caricaturist is an Honorary Master of the International Society of Caricature Artists and has won awards worldwide
Multi-lingual, speaking Dutch, French, English, German, some Spanish and Japanese, he has authored 8 books translated into 4 languages
Available to work in a variety of mediums, both digital and paper, and in colour as well as greyscale and black brushwork
Highly flexible, the act can add another element by projecting what he draws digitally
His respected position is evident with previous clients including Apple, HP, EXXON, Atlas Copco and Eastman, and can include logos in his work

Acclaimed Belgian Caricaturist PHOTOS

  • Eastman
  • Apple
  • Atlas Copco
  • And many more...
  • HP

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